Comparing Go SQL Libraries: Choosing the Right Tool for Your Project

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Comparing Go SQL Libraries: Choosing the Right Tool for Your Project


13 min read


Choosing the right SQL library for your Go projects is crucial for efficient and productive development. In this blog post, we will compare and evaluate four popular SQL libraries: database/sql, GORM, SQLx, and SQLC.

We'll explore the benefits and considerations of each library, covering topics such as simplicity, ORM features, performance, and code generation. By the end, you'll have a clear understanding of which library suits your project requirements best. Let's dive in and explore the world of SQL libraries in Go!

Overview of Golang SQL Libraries

When it comes to working with SQL databases in Golang, there are several libraries available, each offering distinct features and benefits. Let's take a brief look at each library, highlighting their key characteristics and differences in their approach to working with databases:

1. Database/sql

The database/sql package, a part of the Go standard library, provides a powerful and straightforward API for interacting with databases in Golang. Here's an example of working with the database/sql package in Golang to execute a query with QueryRowContext and retrieve a single row of data using context:

package main

import (

var (
    ctx context.Context
    db  *sql.DB

func main() {
    id := 123
    var username string
    var created time.Time
    err := db.QueryRowContext(ctx, "SELECT username, created_at FROM users WHERE id=?", id).Scan(&username, &created)
    switch {
    case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
        log.Printf("no user with id %d\n", id)
    case err != nil:
        log.Fatalf("query error: %v\n", err)
        log.Printf("username is %q, account created on %s\n", username, created)

In this example, we have a Go program that demonstrates how to query a database using the database/sql package. Using the QueryRowContext method of the *sql.DB type, we execute an SQL query to fetch the username and created_at values from the users table, filtering the results based on the provided id.

To retrieve the data from the query result, we use the Scan method. This method assigns the retrieved values to the username and created variables.

Advantages of using the database/sql package include:

  • Fast performance: The database/sql package is designed for efficient and optimized performance, allowing your code to run quickly and smoothly.

  • Simplicity in code writing: It provides a straightforward and easy-to-understand interface, making it simpler for developers to work with databases without feeling overwhelmed.

  • Compatibility with various databases: The database/sql package is compatible with a wide range of SQL databases. It supports different database drivers, enabling you to connect to databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite using the same code. This compatibility is beneficial if you need to switch databases or work with multiple databases in your project.

  • Built-in security features: The package includes security features to protect against SQL injection attacks. It supports parameterized queries and prepared statements, ensuring that your database interactions are secure and immune to malicious input. These features help maintain the integrity and safety of your application's data.

However, its downside is we have to manually map the SQL fields to variables. This manual mapping process can be a bit tedious and prone to mistakes. We need to make sure that the order of variables in our code matches the order of fields in the SQL query result. If there is a mismatch or if we forget to include some variables, the errors won't be caught during the compilation process. Instead, they will only show up when the code is executed at runtime. This can be quite frustrating because it means we might spend time hunting down errors that could have been caught earlier.


GORM is a popular Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) library for Golang. It provides a higher-level abstraction layer on top of database/sql, making it easier to work with SQL databases in Golang. With GORM, you can interact with databases using Go structs and benefit from its powerful features for querying, inserting, updating, and deleting data. Here's an example of working with GORM:

package main

import (

type Product struct {
  Code  string
  Price uint

func main() {
  db, err := gorm.Open(sqlite.Open("test.db"), &gorm.Config{})
  if err != nil {
    panic("failed to connect database")

  // Migrate the schema

  // Create
  db.Create(&Product{Code: "D42", Price: 100})

  // Read
  var product Product
  db.First(&product, 1) // find product with integer primary key
  db.First(&product, "code = ?", "D42") // find product with code D42

  // Update - update product's price to 200
  db.Model(&product).Update("Price", 200)
  // Update - update multiple fields
  db.Model(&product).Updates(Product{Price: 200, Code: "F42"}) // non-zero fields
  db.Model(&product).Updates(map[string]interface{}{"Price": 200, "Code": "F42"})

  // Delete - delete product
  db.Delete(&product, 1)

This example showcases the basic usage of GORM for creating a database connection, defining a data model, performing CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete), and manipulating data in the database using GORM's convenient methods. The advantages of using GORM in the provided example:

  • Convenience and Time Savings: GORM simplifies database operations by providing an easy-to-use interface. In the example, GORM handles tasks like establishing the database connection and performing CRUD operations. This saves time and effort, as we don't have to write complex SQL queries or deal with low-level database operations manually.

  • Automatic Schema Migration: GORM's AutoMigrate() function in the example automatically creates the necessary table for the Product model. This eliminates the need to manually create the table and keeps the database schema in sync with our model. It simplifies the setup process and ensures data consistency.

  • Easy CRUD Operations: GORM makes performing CRUD operations straightforward. In the example, we can create a new product, read products based on primary key or a specific condition, update product fields, and delete products with just a few lines of code. GORM's pre-built functions handle the underlying SQL queries, making our code more concise and readable.

  • Seamless Model-Database Mapping: GORM seamlessly maps our Product struct to the corresponding database table. We don't have to worry about manually mapping fields or handling conversions. GORM uses reflection to handle the mapping and perform database operations efficiently. This saves us from potential mistakes and reduces the chances of errors in our code.

  • Flexibility in Field Updates: GORM provides flexibility in updating fields. In the example, we can update a single field, such as the product's price, or update multiple fields at once by specifying the non-zero fields or using a map of field-value pairs. This gives us control over the data modifications and simplifies the update process.

However, there are some potential disadvantages to keep in mind when using GORM. These drawbacks include a learning curve, performance overhead, limited customization options, and complexities in managing dependencies. It's important to understand these trade-offs before deciding to use GORM in your Go projects. Let's delve into each of these disadvantages to gain a better understanding of what they entail and how they may impact your development process.

3. SQLx

SQLx is a popular library for Go that simplifies working with SQL databases. It builds upon the standard database/sql package, offering additional features and improvements. SQLx aims to make writing SQL queries in Go easier and more efficient. It provides a user-friendly API, automatic mapping of query results to Go structs, and support for named parameters and prepared statements. With SQLx, you can enhance your productivity and create reliable database applications in Go with less code and better performance. Here's an example of using SQLx:

package main

import (

    _ ""

type Product struct {
    ID    int    `db:"id"`
    Name  string `db:"name"`
    Price int    `db:"price"`

func main() {
    db, err := sqlx.Connect("sqlite3", ":memory:")
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("failed to connect to database: %v", err)

    createTable := `
        CREATE TABLE products (
            name TEXT,
            price INTEGER

    _, err = db.Exec(createTable)
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("failed to create table: %v", err)

    products := []Product{
        {ID: 1, Name: "Product 1", Price: 10},
        {ID: 2, Name: "Product 2", Price: 20},
        {ID: 3, Name: "Product 3", Price: 30},

    tx := db.MustBegin()
    for _, p := range products {
        _, err = tx.NamedExec("INSERT INTO products (name, price) VALUES (:name, :price)", &p)
        if err != nil {
            log.Fatalf("failed to insert product: %v", err)
    err = tx.Commit()
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("failed to commit transaction: %v", err)

    var fetchedProducts []Product
    err = db.Select(&fetchedProducts, "SELECT * FROM products")
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("failed to fetch products: %v", err)

    for _, p := range fetchedProducts {
        fmt.Printf("ID: %d, Name: %s, Price: %d\n", p.ID, p.Name, p.Price)

This example demonstrates how SQLx simplifies working with databases in Go by providing a more intuitive API, automatic mapping of query results to structs, and support for named parameters. The advantages of using SQLx are:

  • SQLx simplifies database queries by reducing boilerplate code and providing a clean syntax for executing queries and retrieving data.

  • It automatically maps query results to structs, saving time and effort. This intelligent mapping reduces errors and ensures data consistency.

  • SQLx supports named parameters, which improve readability and maintainability compared to positional parameters. Values can be provided using struct fields or map keys, making the code more expressive and self-documenting.

  • By leveraging these features, SQLx simplifies working with databases in Go, allowing developers to focus on application logic. It enhances productivity, improves code readability, and makes database operations more efficient and less prone to errors.

One potential drawback of using SQLx is that the code can still be quite long compared to more minimalistic approaches. While SQLx simplifies many aspects of database interactions, certain operations may require writing multiple lines of code, which can increase code verbosity.

Another disadvantage is that errors in queries are only caught at runtime. Unlike compile-time query validation, SQLx relies on runtime evaluation, which means that any mistakes or issues in the query syntax or structure will only be detected when the code is executed. This can result in potential runtime errors that could have been identified earlier with a compile-time approach.


SQLC is a code-generation tool that simplifies working with SQL databases in Go. It generates type-safe query code based on SQL files, allowing you to write and maintain database code without sacrificing type safety. By defining SQL queries in separate files and using SQLC, you can eliminate the need for handwritten SQL statements and benefit from clean and type-safe query execution in your Go projects. Here's an example that demonstrates how to use SQLC to generate code for executing SQL queries:

  • First, you need to define your database schema and queries in a .sql file. Let's say you have a users table in your database with columns id, name, and email. In a file named queries.sql, you would define your queries like this:
-- name: GetUserByID :one
SELECT id, name, email FROM users WHERE id = $1;

-- name: GetAllUsers :many
SELECT id, name, email FROM users;
  • Once you have your SQL file ready, you can use SQLC to generate Go code for executing these queries. Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to your project directory.

  • Run the SQLC command to generate the code. Assuming your SQLC configuration file is named sqlc.yaml, you can use the following command:

sqlc generate
  • SQLC will read your sqlc.yaml file and generate Go code based on the queries defined in your queries.sql file. It will create Go structs and methods for executing the queries and mapping the results to those structs.

  • After the code generation is complete, you can start using the generated code in your Go application. For example, if you have a main.go file, you can import the generated package and use the generated methods like this:

package main

import (

    _ "<your-username>/<your-project>/db" // Import the generated package

    "<your-module-name>/db/queries" // Import the generated queries package

func main() {
    db, err := sql.Open("postgres", "<connection-string>")
    if err != nil {
    defer db.Close()

    ctx := context.Background()

    // Example: Execute GetUserByID query
    var user queries.User
    err = queries.GetUserByID(ctx, db, 1).Scan(ctx, db, &user)
    if err != nil {
    fmt.Println("User:", user)

    // Example: Execute GetAllUsers query
    users, err := queries.GetAllUsers(ctx, db).Exec(ctx, db)
    if err != nil {
    fmt.Println("Users:", users)

In this example, you import the generated package and use the generated methods like GetUserByID and GetAllUsers to execute the corresponding queries. The generated code takes care of preparing the query, executing it, and mapping the results to the appropriate Go structs.

SQLC offers automatic code generation for Go based on SQL queries. It saves development time, ensures strong type-safety, and provides a concise syntax for query execution. SQLC improves code scalability and maintainability by separating SQL queries into separate files. Overall, SQLC simplifies database operations, enhances code quality, and boosts productivity in Go projects.

One potential disadvantage of using SQLC is the learning curve associated with setting it up and understanding its configuration. SQLC requires some initial setup and understanding of its query definition syntax, which may take time for developers who are new to the tool. Additionally, SQLC may not be suitable for projects with complex or dynamic queries that require frequent modifications, as the code generation process may become cumbersome to manage. It is important to carefully evaluate the suitability of SQLC for your specific project requirements before incorporating it into your workflow.

Use Cases and Recommendations

1. Database/sql

If you have a strong SQL background and prefer fine-grained control over your database operations, database/sql is a solid choice. It allows you to write raw SQL queries and provides a basic interface to interact with databases.

Consider using database/sql for smaller projects or when you require direct control over SQL queries and database interactions. It's well-suited for developers with SQL expertise and those who prioritize flexibility over convenience.


When you value productivity and prefer a higher-level ORM library, GORM is a great option. It simplifies database interactions, provides features like automatic mapping, associations, and query building, and reduces the amount of boilerplate code.

GORM is ideal for most projects, especially those with complex data models and relationships. It saves development time, promotes cleaner code, and offers convenient abstractions. If you prioritize ease of use and productivity, GORM is a recommended choice.

3. SQLx

If you're seeking a balance between the control of raw SQL and the convenience of an ORM, SQLx fits the bill. It offers a clean API for executing queries and automatically mapping results to structs, while still allowing you to write custom queries when needed.

SQLx is well-suited for projects where you want some higher-level abstractions but still desire control over SQL queries. It strikes a balance between simplicity and flexibility. If you value versatility and prefer a lightweight library, SQLx is worth considering.


If performance is a critical concern and you want type-safe code generated from SQL queries, SQLC is a powerful tool. It generates efficient code based on your queries and provides strong type-safety guarantees.

SQLC is recommended for performance-critical projects that demand optimized database interactions. It excels in scenarios with complex queries and large-scale applications. If you prioritize performance and type-safety, SQLC is a valuable choice.


In conclusion, we have explored and compared four popular libraries for working with SQL databases in Go: db/sql, GORM, SQLx, and SQLC. Here are the key points to consider:

  • db/sql: This standard library provides a low-level interface for database interactions, offering fine-grained control over SQL queries. It is suitable for developers with strong SQL knowledge and those who prioritize flexibility.

  • GORM: GORM is a powerful ORM library that simplifies database operations, reduces boilerplate code, and provides convenient abstractions. It is recommended for most projects, especially those with complex data models and relationships, as it enhances productivity and code readability.

  • SQLx: SQLx strikes a balance between control and convenience. It offers a clean API for executing queries, automatic mapping of results to structs, and support for named parameters. It is a good choice for projects where some higher-level abstractions are desired while still allowing custom query control.

  • SQLC: SQLC excels in performance-critical scenarios. It generates efficient code from SQL queries, providing strong type-safety guarantees. It is recommended for projects that require optimized database interactions and complex query handling.

Based on my evaluation, the final recommendation depends on your specific project requirements. If you prioritize flexibility and have a strong SQL background, database/sql is a solid choice. For most projects, GORM offers a productive and convenient ORM solution. SQLx is suitable when you need a balance between control and convenience, while SQLC is recommended for performance-critical scenarios.

Consider factors such as project complexity, performance needs, team expertise, and the trade-off between control and productivity when making your final decision. Each library has its strengths, so choose the one that best aligns with your project goals and development priorities.
